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Core values guide our work through commitments!

At the Jennings O’Neil Career Academy, we are committed to our mission, purpose, vision, and values.

student raising a hand
Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

We are passionate about creating a community that affirms and welcomes people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We support the realization of each individual’s potential and contribution.

group of students
Commitment to Education

Our Academy's curriculum is educational, engaging, and structured to promote different learning styles.

classroom view
raised hands
Commitment to Empower

Every person’s situation requires a tailor-made approach to achieve positive results. An environment where all students have the feeling of control of their own destiny, increases morale and positive outcomes will be met.

transporte industry
Commitment to Excellence

We will both exemplify, model and expect appropriate conduct and integrity from all students enrolled in this Academy.

Commitment to Goal Attainment

We believe that every individual should have personal and economic goals.

Students should feel that their goals are ambitious yet achievable. 

Smiling Student in Lecture
Commitment to Students

Given that we will operate as a small autonomous school, such a setting offers more direct interaction between the student-faculty.  In this deliberate and intentional small independent Academy, our students will have individualized attention from instructors to address each of their unique styles of learning.

student working on robot
Commitment to 21st CenturySkills Learning

Regardless of a student’s path, it will be extremely important to instill in each student the power of the four C’s: collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity paired with lifelong learning. 

Value-added Community Service

We will respond to the needs of the community we serve to the best of our ability, and we expect our graduates to do the same.

Business Meeting
Value the Individual

We will respect every individual and value his or her contributions.

Our success depends on creating an environment where we all have the opportunity to develop and fully use our talents and skills.

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